Dr. Ofek Birnholtz

Building 202, room 508
Reception Hours
Wednesday 10-12
Research Categories

PI of Bar-Ilan's LIGO Scientific Collaboration group, for studying Gravitational Waves, and through them Astrophysical systems of Black Holes, Neutron Stars, and phenomena in General Relativity and beyond.

first gravitational wave measured, GW150914

Organizing the department's weekly Astrophysics seminar series: https://physics.biu.ac.il/node/4368

(recordings of previous talks are available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCq9Go28tBlCFfRXw5WAmFYc7ORznISXj)

My own lecture to the department colloquium (opening of the 2020/2021 academic year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3ehiOgm9nQ)

group members at IPS meeting


Dr Ofek Birnholtz giving a talk at the Israel Space Agency's Black Holes Conference


Group meeting on Purim


group members at the Israel Space Agency's Black Holes Conference


group member giving a talk on LIGO and VIRGO


group member presenting a poster on Event Horizon Telescope


group members hangout

Last Updated Date : 07/10/2024